Tuesday, March 16, 2010

That's HOT

Hello workout friends!
This week's workout is hot. I don't mean sexy (although it can be that, too) ... I mean sweaty. We're doing hot yoga and I'm addicted. This class was far more challenging than I anticipated. Not only does it require a great deal of strength and flexibility, it really gets your heart rate going!

"People come in with one perception and are totally blown away by what they come out with." That’s how Kris Larrison describes the experience first-timers have when they visit her yoga studio. If you think it’s all about zoning out and doing a little stretching – you’re wrong. This class would’ve pushed Sonya and I to the limit no matter what, because we never do yoga, but Kris adds an element that kicks the workout up a notch. You can’t feel it through your computer or television, but you can see it. Everyone in this class is soaking wet. The room is between ninety-five and one hundred five degrees, thanks to space heaters and humidifiers. But we wondered why. "It increases the function of organs, you’re sweating out toxins, you build increased lung capacity," explains Larrison.

There are two different styles of "hot yoga" - Vinyasa and Bikram. "Bikrum yoga is 26 postures, the same sequence, same series, every class." We’re doing Vinyasa and Kris says it’s more athletic and varies from class to class. "If you can only do half the class, that's fine,” says Kris. “You'll build on that and get stronger every time you come.” She insists anyone can do it and her students agree. Ryan is a cop who says he couldn't touch his toes a few years ago, Mel is a mom celebrating her 43rd birthday, and Marilyn is in her 70s!!! We’re hoping we’ll eventually have their flexibility and strength, but it may take awhile! We shot this segment a month ago and I've been attending classes at least once a week since then ... I'm improving, but slowly!

If you’re interested in trying hot yoga call Kris at 778-5499 or visit the studio website at www.BreatheStudioDM.com.

Here's to another fun-filled fitness adventure!

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