Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Can't jump rope? Try Air Ropes!

Welcome to the WOW blog!

Leave it to personal trainer, Angie Gallagher to come up with a new way to challenge us.

She warns us, “You have to be a little coordinated when you first, so don’t give up.”

That should be a red flag, but we agree to try the air rope anyway. It’s the newest version of a jump rope.

“They’ve got a jump rope handle, but they’ve got weighted ball on the end versus a cord.”

The movement is similar to jumping rope, but the weighted balls give the arms an even better burn.

“Arms, shoulders, triceps, biceps – all of the upper body muscles get worked while you’re rotating,” says Angie.

Keeping the arms overhead also boosts the heart rate, making this a great cardio work out, especially when you throw in big muscle movements like squats.

“The nice thing about this, you can make it a low impact version of a jump rope because there’s nothing to jump over. But you can also make it a higher impact without tripping over the jump rope.”

The air rope also builds balance and strength. Try a basic crunch while rotating the air rope over your head. Even harder – a side plank with one arm on the floor the other in the air rotating the air rope.

Our muscles are shaking by the end of the workout, which Angie says makes her “happy.”

We’re happy it’s the end of this deceivingly difficult work out.

For more information on working out with Angie go to: http://www.fitnesswithangie.net/

Here's to a healthy week - and trying new things!

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