Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Workout - at work!

Hello workout friends!
This week were helping you sneak some fitness into your day, even if you don't have time to do it before or after work.

Think about it, you don't just work at your desk. You eat at your desk. Some days it feels like you practically live at your desk. You may even spend your free time at your desk, surfing the internet.

Personal trainer, Angie Gallagher, says all of that sitting isn’t doing your physique and favors, even if you’re relatively active otherwise.

“Studies show that if you sit at an office all day and you never move from your desk, except on one of your breaks and then during lunch, you can be negating your workout – an hour in the morning or after work – you’ve negated that, simply by sitting all day.”

Shocked, we ask Angie what we need to do to maintain our gains while at work.

“You could use a water bottle. You could use a coffee mug or even a towel if you have that at your office and an office chair.”

The water bottle and coffee mugs double as light weights. They’re perfect for some quick bicep or tricep curls or overhead presses. The towel will help you get a good stretch. Even something as small as standing up while you’re on the phone helps get the blood flogging.

“Just moving a little bit… is enough to make the heart rate accelerate enough that you don’t negate the activity you’ve done previously or after work.”

And once you’re up, why not take a walk up a few flights of stairs.

“Take them instead of the elevator or park a little further away in the parking lot… all those things add up at the end of the day. They’re important.”

Equally important, a little movement might help you reduce your workplace stress.

“Because your blood is flowing you are more active. Studies show that people have higher concentration, less depression, less anxiety and less stress, which we all experience at the workplace.”

If you're interested in working out with Angie - check out her website:


Here's to a healthy week!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Strolling & Toning

This week’s workout is specifically designed for new parents. There’s no gym, no equipment and no daycare required! "It's great because they can bring the babies along with them," explains personal trainer Cathy Bormann, "the class is call Strolling and Toning. It's a class to help moms get back into shape."

You've probably heard of this type of group fitness class. "It’s just a stroller and baby!” Cathy says with a laugh. She makes it sound simple, but this is no walk in the park – even though the class takes place in a Park.

Strollers turn into obstacle courses and resistance bands get biceps burning. What Cathy has the group doing is basically High Intensity Interval Training – or HIT. "We do resistance, then cardio, then stroll and we keep repeating that for an hour," she explains. HIIT is one of the best workouts for whipping post-baby bodies back into shape.

"I've always enjoyed lifting weights and its harder to find time,” says Brigit Peterson, “each time you have a kid, there's less time to get to the gym!" Eight month old Regina is Brigit’s THIRD child. Most of the moms here say during this hour they enjoy fitness and friendship. "We have a lot of similar things to talk about,” explains Brigit, “I also like that everyone has a kid - it kind of puts us on the same level and we’re not super fit like we used to be."

We think these ladies look as fit as anyone we know! During one part of the routine they’re jumping up and down stairs for cardio and doing a full body squat-press for resistance. It is a brutal circuit but Cathy says it can be modified for any level. "We can definitely take it back a step or pick up for those that need extra challenge."

The class also keeps people accountable. "It's a little bit just to get yourself back in the swing, back in the routine,” says Cathy, “once you feel good and start hitting it hard, it all starts happening." However, in the midst of jumping jacks and pushups life also keeps happening. There are tears and noses to be wiped and diapers to change – but everyone here understands.

If you’re interested in the “Strolling & Toning” class – call the Walnut Creek YMCA at 224-1888 or visit the front desk!


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Can't jump rope? Try Air Ropes!

Welcome to the WOW blog!

Leave it to personal trainer, Angie Gallagher to come up with a new way to challenge us.

She warns us, “You have to be a little coordinated when you first, so don’t give up.”

That should be a red flag, but we agree to try the air rope anyway. It’s the newest version of a jump rope.

“They’ve got a jump rope handle, but they’ve got weighted ball on the end versus a cord.”

The movement is similar to jumping rope, but the weighted balls give the arms an even better burn.

“Arms, shoulders, triceps, biceps – all of the upper body muscles get worked while you’re rotating,” says Angie.

Keeping the arms overhead also boosts the heart rate, making this a great cardio work out, especially when you throw in big muscle movements like squats.

“The nice thing about this, you can make it a low impact version of a jump rope because there’s nothing to jump over. But you can also make it a higher impact without tripping over the jump rope.”

The air rope also builds balance and strength. Try a basic crunch while rotating the air rope over your head. Even harder – a side plank with one arm on the floor the other in the air rotating the air rope.

Our muscles are shaking by the end of the workout, which Angie says makes her “happy.”

We’re happy it’s the end of this deceivingly difficult work out.

For more information on working out with Angie go to: http://www.fitnesswithangie.net/

Here's to a healthy week - and trying new things!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Hello fitness fans! I hope you had a great holiday weekend. Maybe you overindulged and now you feel like you need to have your rear kicked back into gear. If so, we have a program that will do just that.

Everyone knows personal training is expensive, and sometimes hard to schedule. For this Workout of the Week, we met with an Iowan who says he's solved both of those problems. Travis Steffen has a Master's Degree in Exercise Science, and a booming business. "With this service you're not getting a cookie-cutter diet plan or a cookie-cutter exercise program,” he explains, “we make everything specific to you."

It's called "WorkoutBOX"... and it's on your computer. "Anyone who has access to the internet and a tape measure can use the service," says Travis. "You print off your workout, do it whenever and wherever you want and you don't need an appointment with a personal trainer."

Lucky for us, we have an appointment - and Travis is putting us through the paces. "Squats are something we design all of our workouts around. Most people don’t realize it, but this move is a total body workout." Squats, Romanian dead lifts and bent over rows make up our first sequence of resistance training. The great thing is - "WorkoutBOX" gives you the same program for a fraction of the price.

"You get unlimited access to me and the rest of our fitness team and all the systems we offer for less than ten bucks a month." And included in that price are custom nutrition guides. "We can tell you exactly what you need to be eating each and every day, down to the calorie, the carbs, protein and fat."

Everything's based on the information you enter when you sign up. From your measurements and gender, to your goals and experience. And Travis says you don't need to worry about getting bored or hitting a plateau. "With these workout box programs, each week your reps and sets change... after a four week phase, the exercises are going to change."

Nothing about “WorkoutBOX” is easy...but that's the point. Travis is a former collegiate athlete and he believes all of us can train like one. "Training appears all physical but in reality it's only about ten percent physical and ninety percent mental."

So sign up, and see what you can do. Travis is making it easy for Channel 13 viewers. Just go to www.workoutbox.com/whotv and follow the steps. Use the promo code “WHOTVPromo” and you’ll get a month for free! If you want to cancel, send an email to support@workoutbox.com.

Have a healthy week - or in this case - MONTH!