Tuesday, November 30, 2010

From flab to fab!

Welcome to the Workout of the Week blog!
This week we have another great success story to share with you. It's one that might make you say, "Gee, maybe I can do that?!?"

Caleb Pike says he used to get winded just tying his shoes. Today, he competes in triathlons and marathons and he invited us to a class at Altoona Campus called "RIPPED" to show just how far he's come.

Caleb's inspiration to get fit came in a tiny package - his six month old daughter. “I didn’t think I could be a very good dad to her if I couldn’t keep up with her,” he says. That was two years ago - Caleb weighed in at 290 pounds and his percentage of body fat was fifty percent. "We were very lazy," Caleb says of himself and his fiance'. "We ate a lot of junk food... we thought that eating healthy was eating one less flour taco!"

Now, Caleb and Nicole take the "RIPPED" class together twice a week. It meets at five in the morning. That's right ... FIVE AM! Trust me, that is a time of day I never see, and with good reason. I was hurting from the get-go. We're doing the Tabata method - twenty seconds of hard work, followed by ten seconds of rest, eight times in a row. The instructor, Tracy Downey divides us into six groups for the six different stations she's set up. There's a push up station, sprints, pull ups and tricep dips, wall ball, crunches, and lunges. By the time we finish eight rounds at each station we are exhausted and we can tell we're going to be sore. Caleb spends quite a bit of time grinning at our discomfort and he hardly looks tired at all!

Since he started his lifestyle change back in 2008, Caleb's cut his weight by 100 pounds and reduced his body fat by 35 percent. He believes he's in the best shape of his life - physically and mentally - and he's excited about raising his little girl to live the same healthy life.

If you want to check out the "Ripped" class, or other programs at Altoona Campus, here is the contact information:

1500 8th Street SW
Altoona, IA 50009
Phone: 515/967-0788

Have a healthy week!

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