Tuesday, November 23, 2010

'Tis the season... for a travel band!

Hello workout friends!

It's the time of year when all of us tend to eat, drink and be merry ... and get fatter. Although holiday weight gain is often exaggerated (some report an average of seven to ten pounds) even putting on a pound or two can be a problem because we usually never take it off!

In addition to consuming more, we often exercise less this time of year. It's easy to make excuses - from busy schedules to rotten weather. Well, give it up. Angie Gallagher is back with a workout you can do anywhere, with just one simple exercise tool. "The nice thing about the band is it's easily adjustable," she explains, "if two feet is too difficult, taking one foot out makes it easier." The pieces of plastic come in different models and levels of difficulty and it really is amazing the different moves you can do. There are bicep curls and overhead presses, and cardio like jumping jacks and hopping drills. The possibilities are endless and the workout is really tough when you keep doing compound moves that use big muscle groups. Angie's even come up with a way to make classic push ups more challenging ... why, why, why

When you finish things off with ab work, you've managed to turn your hotel - or guest room at mom and dad's house - into a gym. "The nice thing about this workout is you're burning calories and fat and building muscle, all at the same time," Angie says with a smile, "it's very efficient."

You can find resistance bands and tubes at fitness stores, Wal-Mart and Target or you can buy them online. Another bonus ... they're cheap!



Thanks for stopping by the blog, have a healthy week!

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